Welcome to the "Consecrated Stewards" Blog

This blog is intended to provide resources for those interested in grace-based Christian stewardship. It will especially serve as a forum for those using the "Consecrated Stewards" stewardship emphasis of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund and be a place for finding answers to frequently asked questions.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Creating Cultures of Generosity

Pat Springle had an article on Leadership Network (Click here for article) about creating cultures of generosity in congregations that is worth reading. It reinforces the principles that stewardship is linked to a sense of and participation in mission and that motivation begins with the generosity of God, not just in material things, but in His grace in Jesus Christ.
Stewardship and a culture of generosity are not a program. They are a blessing and an attitude that permeate everything we say, are and do. This is the motivation behind Consecrated Stewards as well as our Capital Funding ministries.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for a good reference.

Anonymous said...

The article reinforces what CS is all about--developing the loving response of God's people to God's love for them.