Welcome to the "Consecrated Stewards" Blog

This blog is intended to provide resources for those interested in grace-based Christian stewardship. It will especially serve as a forum for those using the "Consecrated Stewards" stewardship emphasis of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund and be a place for finding answers to frequently asked questions.

Friday, December 19, 2008

LCEF Conference: How Christians Handle a Challenging Economy

At the annual Fall Conference of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod president Gerald Kieschnick, speaking to the Biblical text of Jesus asleep in the boat on Galilee's sea, said "We need to remember in our present time that no matter what overwhelming issues may be challenging us or the people we are called to lead, we are in the same boat [as] a man named Jesus," Kieschnick said. "No matter what the situation is, we are not facing it by ourselves. The Lord is by our side, even if it seems in our minds that He may be sleeping."

"When we as leaders live with this kind of faith and confidence in our own lives," Kieschnick continued, "the people we lead will observe it and learn from our example that there is nothing to fear when one is in the boat with Jesus. Such faith and confidence enables us to lead with confidence and, in similar accord, set a godly course and direction for the church in the midst of overwhelming times."

Click here for the full report in the Lutheran Witness Reporter.

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